Waste and Recycling Collection Efficiency Reviews
I have led numerous kerbside collections optimisation projects, for WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme), ZWS (Zero Waste Scotland), LWARB (London Waste and Recycling Board) and other clients. These projects assessed the logistics of various collections options, operational optimisation, financial and environmental modelling, developing business cases (including partnership working with other authorities) and producing recommendations for the preferred option.
I have helped to develop the industry’s understanding of the performance of kerbside collections, including managing the delivery of WRAP’s Analysis of Kerbside Dry Recycling Performance in the UK study, which has produced an extensive array of performance benchmarks, as well as a statistically robust model for explaining how different factors affect kerbside dry recycling performance. I also oversaw analyses of recycling performance in different housing types in the UK, and carried out statistical analysis of factors affecting kerbside recycling yields to feed into WRAP’s Route Map project.